Contact 2024-05-08T12:59:26+00:00

Contact Us

Send us a message and we will take the time to get to know you so we can help you find your amazing adventure.

Our commitment is to serve and assist with professionalism and confidentiality, flexibility and great care, taking always into consideraton the needs and goals of our clients.
In the years we have served important multinationals and top world leaders organizing all kinds of events and projects to accomplish their mission.
24h guarantee feed back, flexible approach towards client requirements, cutting edge professionals and services, exclusive locations and creative activities to pamper and impress.

Ana Maria BanuManaging Director
T. +40.799.084.693
  • Welcome Europa by World Incoming Europe S.R.L

  • CUI 40976956

  • Nr.Reg.Com J23/1690/2020

  • Certificat in Activitatea de Manager de Turism nr 0016966/ 21.03.2019 – Banu Ana Maria

  • Asigurarea Privind Protecția În Caz De Insolvență A Agenției De Turism Organizatoare: Polita Seria IF-i Nr. 4129 / 30-04-2024; LIMITA RASPUNDERE 5000 EUR; De la: 04.05.2024 pana la 03.05.2025 GERMAN ROMANIAN ASSURANCE S.A.

  • Licenta de turism nr. 1975/02.09.2020